Writing, reading and reasoning- a little bit of Sufism

As I read the Contemporary Book of World Poetry while spending time at home as we socially distance ourselves, read these touching lines and scribbled the same in my note book. 
They may be ecstatic in their boundlessness,
Just tell me, where am I?

Taken from a Ghazal Ramooz-e-Ishq by Abida Parveen.

You keep complaining about strangers,
But I have tried acquaintances too,
People tread carefully and complain about thorns,
We'll, I've been hurt by flowers too..

Makaam uska hai dil ki khilwaton mein
Khuda jaaney makaam-e-dil kahaan hai...

Mein Sufi hu, Sarmastah...

The abode of the almighty is in the innermost heart..
But God knows where the heart's abode is..

I'm an ecstatic mystic..

Taken from a Ghazal by Abida Parveen

Maybe it's nice after all, to write poems.
You sit in your room
And the walls grow taller.
Colors deepen.
A blue kerchief becomes a deep well.
- Dahlia Ravikovitch


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